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an interplay between motion and tranquility

heightened awareness

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It's about being present in our bodies, acknowledging movement while also embracing stillness.

It's about being present in our bodies, acknowledging movement while also embracing stillness.

How do we observe not only other bodies but also the details within our environment?

kinesthetic empathy

...a group functioning as a cohesive organism, with movements emerging from the collective rather than from individual initiative...

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I understand the letters as a poetic practice, and I understand that the letters are in a state in between the teaching environment but also in the creative environment and the research environment. So I see the letters as in this in-between space.

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...movement and stillness—how it feels to move as little as possible...

In my dance career, especially in my youth, I was primarily focused on developing technical abilities. However, it's fascinating how my perspective has shifted over the years.Technique has taken a backseat, and I've become more attuned to other aspects that heighten awareness beyond mere technical skills.

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With the diverse backgrounds of the individuals involved in forms of movements—I realized that despite our differences, we all share bodies.

This commonality inspired me to create an environment focused on movement and play.



I wanted to cultivate a sense of playfulness, similar to how children effortlessly move and explore their surroundings. I aimed to reintroduce this sense of uninhibited movement, but in an adult context where we can embrace fun and playful interactions.

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For the past twenty years, Lina Zeller (former Lina Frazão) has been working as a movement artist, Pilates instructor, and dance teacher. She holds a Master’s degree in contemporary arts, with a specialisation course in art history and a Bachelor's degree in dance from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

She has been teaching classes for dance and drama undergraduate students in Brasilia, Brazil, where she was also the coordinator and, later, director of research and extension at Instituto Federal de Brasília, in Brazil. She is interested in researching the creative process in dance and its relation to transdisciplinary fields.


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